You are more than who you think you are... is high time you discovered yourself beyond your name and how others see you...

Let's take this journey of discovery together...

We explore time-tested and proven resources to help you DISCOVER THE REAL YOU.  Don’t get stuck  with what everyone else is doing but let your God-given talent and uniqueness begin to blossom and put you in control of whatever life may bring.


Realize who you are, where you are from and get help to analyze why you behave or react the way you do.  Take a journey of self discovery


Get help to train, strengthen and equip your human spirit to gain full control of your      temperaments and total existence.


Break free from bad behavioral patterns and mend  or avoid consequences in your life. Move into full restoration and fulfillment. 

Introducing PRRC

A Christian organisation founded to promote and encourage the spiritual well being of men, women and children from all backgrounds, by providing specialist training and utilising biblical resources to bring about positive change and transformation in individuals’ lives.

Our methods support individuals in experiencing greater levels of internal peace, joy and self- love, promote positive behavioral change and the formation of good character and as such benefit not only their families but also the community at large.

As individuals develop greater internal stability and spiritual well being, this enables them to become better husbands and fathers, wives and mothers. Children will also become more peaceful and secure as they develop greater levels of confidence and self-worth.

We are passionate about supporting  individuals, church workers and ministry leaders.


Empowered for victorious living…

Go beyond your limitations and enjoy…

    • Peace within
    • Lasting and healthy marriages
    • Harmony in your home
    • Love and  good life within the community
    • Fulfilment of  your full potentials
    • Transformation of present and coming generations

Church Worker

Equipped for service…

The primary requirement for taking up responsibility in the house of God is being filled with the Holy Spirit, remember Stephen and the deacons in the book of Act, they were chosen to serve the tables but they had to be filled with God’s Spirit. Working in the house of God is a spiritual responsibility not just a mere task, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers… and so to be at fore front with the Pastors and leaders you have to be equipped spiritually. If you are not you might be a target in the realm of the spirit or you will be the weak link for the enemy to break into the ranks of the leadership. PRRC is committed to training and equipping you for service in the Father’s kingdom.

Pastors, Ministers and Leaders

Kickstarting a church-wide revival

How can the work of God in our hands fulfil heaven’s mandate without an expression of the Holy Spirit? The lack of such experience in a personal way is the reason some members and church workers misbehave, leave the church and even lose their faith. The Baptism and teachings of the Holy Spirit must be restored back to its rightful place in our church, our church leaders, workers, young people must be filled with the Holy Spirit. There must be a discipleship training track for every member to grow into the full stature of Christ Jesus.

PRRC is committed to seeing the Holy Spirit take His rightful place within the congregation of the saints in this generation. We will help organize seminars, trainings and Holy Ghost baptism meetings if you believe this is a worthy cause for your congregation.


Getting started…

We believe that the root cause of all human problems can be traced to the weakness or complete deadness of our spirit man i.e. our inner being that should be in control of our total existence.

Some of us humans are completely ignorant of the fact that there is a spirit in man. Some are aware but lack the understanding about how the spirit operates or what the spirit is designed to do. 

Some have a degree of understanding of their spirit but lack the discipline to activate and pay the required attention to feed the spirit in order to grow.

Whatever level you are, at PRRC, we are here to assist you discover, activate and develop the spirit in you, so that you can enjoy life to the fullest as God designed us all to.