
Pneuma Recharge and Resource Center – A spirit servicing institution founded to activate the inner being of everyone that comes in contact with us. To help men live their lives from inside out, activating and training the spirit within every man to take the lead in their day to day affair.

We are passionate about supporting  individuals, church workers and ministry leaders


  • To raise the spiritual temperature of believers and churches across British Isles by servicing their spirits through training, seminars and regular baptism of the Holy Spirit meetings
  • Teaching men how to live inside out, allowing their inner man to take the lead
  • Holding spiritual health check seminars across British Isles
  •  Ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit in every believer across British Isles to set our nations ablaze for God again

John 6:63 – “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”

Gal 6:8 – “For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”


It’s an online quarterly program where participants can register anywhere in the world.

Classes will run 2-3 times a week in the evenings, 1 hour/class. (45mins lecture, 15mins questions)
Mondays: 11am – 12noon & 6pm – 7pm
Tuesdays: 11am – 12noon & 6pm – 7pm
Fridays: 11am – 12noon & 6pm – 7pm


Joel Ayodele Oluyemi

Joel Ayodele Oluyemi was born into a missionary family and he gave his heart wholly to the Lord at a very tender age of 14. He received the call of God in 1993 while he was studying Mechanical Engineering in the University. In 1996, during his time at the university, he got a mandate from the Lord to start interceding for revival in British Isles, and  the exact words were “BUILD ME A TEMPLE IN ENGLAND AND RAISE ME AN ARMY IN IRELAND”.  Upon this mandate, he relocated with his family to the UK 16 years later.

After he graduated from the university, he practiced Engineering for 5 years with the Mechanical Department, Lagos State Ministry of Works and Infrastructure. He finally went into full time ministry in 2005 with Living Waters Unlimited Church, Lagos and served there as an Assistant Pastor for 7 years before relocating to the UK in 2012 in fulfilment of the earlier mandate in 1996.

In the UK, he has worked with National Day of Prayer as a member of the team, City Chapel London as an Assistant Pastor for 7years and he also served as the Project Manager for the Newham Foodbank for 4 years.

He received the Master’s instruction in 2013 to rally Christian believers in Nigeria to intercede for the nation for one year, non-stop which led to the formation of BRAIN (Bloodless Revolution Army In Nigeria) a prayer initiative that is committed to seeing God’s Kingdom established upon the government of the nation Nigeria and it is still active till date.

In addition to his Engineering degree, he holds a Graduate Diploma in Kingdom Theology from Westminster Theology Centre, an affiliate of University of Chester, UK. He currently acquired online CTAA accredited diploma certificates in Professional Counselling, Relationship Counselling, Life Coaching and Anger & Aggression Management from KEW institute. He is a member of CTAA – Contemporary Therapy Accredited Association USA.

In his passion to help (by the Holy Spirit) restore love, joy, peace and hope to individuals’ lives, families and community at large, he has initiated PRRC – Pneuma Resource & Recharge Centre, a spirit based academy instituted to: Activate & Empower the spirit, Train & Renew the soul (Mind), Control & Direct the physical body’s desires, actions and behaviour positively.

He is the author of Holy Spirit Best of All Friends; Spirit Igniter; Recharge and Some Hidden Secrets about Marriage Revealed.

He is happily married to Mrs Olutoyin Oluyemi and they are blessed with two boys and a girl.